"Formed in 1964"
The Yorkshire Subterranean Society was formed by three avid cavers from Pontefract in 1964. Initially they called themselves 'The Undertakers Society' but after adverse publicity they changed the name to the 'Yorkshire Subterranean Society' in August 1965. Since those early days members have come and gone yet we have gone on to be one of the largest clubs based in the Yorkshire Dales. This year we are celebrating our 50th year.
The club has regular meets to various caving areas around the Dales. Although most of the meets are in Yorkshire, we do occasionally have trips to Wales, Derbyshire and Somerset. Meets usually take place twice a month - exceptions being when they clash with Christmas or any foreign trips. The trips are planned a year at a time to allow permits to be applied for and give members advanced notice and the opportunity to choose which caves they want to visit. Members take turns to coordinate these weekends and ensure that everyone gets to go on an appropriate trip. The first official club meet was to Sell Gill Holes in 1965.
In addition to caving (and other sports) the club organises several social events each year. These include, among others, themed dinners, President's Weekend and the Annual Dinner.
Coach meets no longer take place. They were day meets that normally took place on the last Sunday of the calendar month. The coach had various pick up points on route between Pontefract and Bingley. These meets were suitable for both walkers and cavers. The first Coach meet was to Pikedaw Calamine Caverns in February 1965.
As well as the organized meets, many members cave regular with their own groups and new members are always welcome.
We have our own hut known as 'The School' which provides Dales-based accommodation for our members and outside parties.
Our members have been to the 4 corners of the planet promoting the YSS in the Himalayas, North America and New Zealand. Various caving expeditions have taken place to France, Spain, Belgium, Ireland, Slovenia and Italy.
We have teams of Diggers 'The Mad's' (Malham Area Diggers), Cave Divers and Speleologists all actively involved in variations of cave research. So whatever your interest you'll find something to suit with the YSS.
This all adds up to a club which still is and has always been a club in the true sense of the word. Where people share together in regular group activities forming long lasting friendships. Over and above this, within the club are many individuals who are pursuing their own explorations both above and below ground. As a club we are happy to encourage and proud to promote their achievements.