With the last minute cancellations on the "Experience Caving" weekend, we (I) decided that it might be time to look at one of the caves that was missed from the meets list earlier in the year.
With TC about we had a chance to do it with someone who knows the cave. Quicker than a blink of the eye Lucasz was off to join the novices, leaving 3 of us to look at this West Kingsdale gem.
We packed a couple of bags and headed up the hill with TC leading the way. We went straight to the cave and were eager to get underground and out of the heat.
Again TC took the lead, disappearing down a grim looking hole, closely followed by Phil with me bringing up the rear.
It certainly was a grim hole leading to an awkward traverse and a tight climb before things got worse in the connecting passage to the first true pitch. The first pitch was quite pleasant, I can't remember the second pitch and could not get down the third pitch. I returned slowly to the surface, leaving the others to complete the expedition.
Apparently there was a tighter pitch head lower down, perhaps it was a good job that I stopped at the third pitch!
Phil got to the bottom, TC stopped a little above it (he had been there before & didn't see the point).
TC reappeared at the surface after 2h20 and said that he was not going to go that again (until next time), Phil reappeared 10 minutes later having derigged. I think he enjoyed the experience having just completed the Berger (apparently the French caves aren't as good as a trip in the Dales).
Team: TC, Phil & Dave.
Time: 2h20, 2h30 & 1h00.