Yorkshire Subterranean Society



Taking in the Three Peaks



Purpose built SRT wall



YSS Try Caving
Have you ever wanted to have a go at Caving - well this could be for you!
Tried caving years ago and fancy another go - well this could be for you!
The Yorkshire Subterranean Society (YSS) hold organised try caving weekends for people curious about the sport and would like to give it a try without the expense of special courses and equipment.
We normally assemble during the Friday evening at the school so everyone is fresh and ready for a start on Saturday morning where we will kit you out and then brief you on the day's activities.
Once the kit out and briefing has been completed we will then take into the YSS SRT (single rope tecnique) training facility and show you the basics of using ropes and allow you to practise these tecniques. Depending on numbers we will then allocate groups - then it's off to have some fun out of the sun!
Although we appreciate not everyone can make an organised date or maybe more keen to try caving sooner. We are a welcoming group and you will be accepted no matter when or what your experience - if you can't wait for the next organised event contact Martin who will endeavour to set something up earlier for you.
2013 try caving weekend video


 YSS TRY CAVINGtrycaving13trycaving12trycaving11trycaving2


There are many club organised caving weekends, with a mixture of easy and difficult caving.  Over the past few years we have given lots of people the opportunity to experience caving with our "Try Caving" events.  These are quite popular and quite a few people have subsequently joined the club. We have YSS members caving most weekends so it is easy for new cavers to tag onto the easier caving trips and find people to help with more training.


Old School House
Austwick Road
Helwith Bridge
North Yorkshire
BD24 0EH

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